درصورتیکه شرایط خرید اینترنتی را ندارید، کد BG-28282را به 09939038244 پیامک کنید

The Devil in Love

کد کالا:BG-28282


برند: دیگر

The Devil in Love(old book)

  • Publisher : Hurst & B; n.e. edition (January 1, 1978)
  • Language : English
  • Hardcover : 192 pages
  • Item Weight : 1.74 pounds

Sir George Stanton dies leaving his wife, his four beautiful daughters and his son Nicky, the new baronet, with no money. To Lady Stanton, the idea was unthinkable. However, Nicky must finish his time at Oxford, so to help him Larisa decides to become a governess in France. But it was truly unthinkable.

Gently--but firmly--Larisa pushed her mother's objections aside, and the family did have to retrench. She set off for Valmont-sur-Seine to Chateau Valmont, eager to teach her new pupil and to meet her infamous employer, Comte Raoul de Valmont.

The Count's exceptional success with pretty women already had all of Paris society calling him "The Devil." But surely the handsome, worldly Comte would not give a second thought to an unsophisticated nineteen-year-old governess... Even if she was intelligent, totally unspoiled and exquisitely beautiful.

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